A resounding, primevil scream is heardfrom deep within the bowels of thevolcano. The walls shake and begin tocrumble around you. As the Imprisonspell takes effect, the sounds ofMalifon's agony are quickly stifled,but the walls of the mountain arestill weak.Just as the collapse of the wallsaround you seems imminent you findyourself enveloped in darkness, yetsurrounded by light. In your mind canbe heard the voice of the Ancient One.*'You have done well. As long as thespell holds, Malifon's evil iscontained within the Volcano.'Many young adventurers set out todestroy the root of this evil; manydied along the way and many gave upthe quest when they could not find thecourage within them to continue. Youalone have succeeded, time and again,to defeat Xeres, acquire the Orb ofEvertime, destroy Malifon's HighTemple, and eventually imprisonMalifon itself.*'Although Malifon's evil has beencontained, the effects of its evil arestill felt on Ymros. With the Shardgone, the land still lies in Winterand, though Malifon's Corruption isnow ended, many towns have been turnedto ruins. Perhaps worst of all, thegods that the people of Ymros haverelied upon for centuries are now deadand the people lose hope.*'I do not say this work is yours, foryou have done more good than this landcan ever repay. For this reason Ioffer to reward you by making youimmortal and you shall rule by my sidefor the rest of eternity.'You may respond: 1) I accept your offer. 2) I must decline. There is too much work to be done here on Ymros.*'I am glad you have accepted. It istime that a new breed of adventurerscomplete the work you have started.'A green mist seems to surround you andincredible power flows through yourveins. The mist changes to blue andthen clouds appear. Soon the land-scape of Ymros can be seen clearlybelow and, at once, you can see andcontrol everything with ease.The ages pass by without notice. Newadventurers take your place and Ymrosis slowly healed.All is well until, in a distantfuture, the volcano begins torumble ...CONGRATULATIONS! You have won Demon'sWinter. I hope you have enjoyed youradventure.*'You are indeed noble, and ifmortality is your wish, then it shallbe granted. I will make sure theremainder of your lives are visitedby good fortune and prosperity.'*went back to the town of Woodhaven and was instrumental in its reconstruction. After rebuilding the city, he settled down there and lived to a ripe old agewent on to unite the remaining peoples of Ymros and quickly became its first King. He ruled Ymros wisely until the end of his days.walked off alone to fight the monsters that still wandered aimlessly after Malifon was imprisoned. His bravery became well known throughout Ymros and he still lives on in legends.wandered for a while and then dissapeared into the mountains, never to be seen again. Many a tale says he will return to Ymros if ever needed again.became the first in two millenium to take the title of High Priest of the Ancient One. With his accumulated wealth, he built an enormous temple to the Ancients and spread word of the new god.heard in the tavern of untold wealth in lands to the North and went in search of the fortune. He gathered a party and explored many dungeons, eventually retiring in luxury.went on a great quest for the Lifestone in order to build a new Shard of Spring. While he did not live to see its completion, the new Shard was named in memory of him and still protects Ymros.went to the hills to build a school of magic. It soon became famous and many of his pupils later became legends in their own right.served as advisor to the new King of Ymros. Due to his excellent advice and forsight, the land of Ymros remained in peace as long as he lived.devoted his life to studying the Battle of the Gods. His life's work was compiled into a tome of a thousand pages and stood as an example for all scholars to follow.